One idea I had for a topic you guys can discuss would be the different restaurants/ meals you’ve had during your travels. It sounds like you probably have traveled enough to make a whole Podcast on food.
I have an idea, you can go through the Internet and find your favourite conspiracy theories or urban legends I would be really into that and it would make for a longer podcast aswell❤️
I have been practicing ASMR for 2 years personally and it has helped me a lot with my sleep problems. My children can’t get used to it, but I persevere, I’m sure they’ll end up loving it too! I also like the very “social” side of this practice, we discover new artists and we make new friends via forums and social networks, it’s cool! for beginners I advise you the one that we no longer present , it’s perfect, almost all the biggest ASMR are referenced and there are new ones every day. for initiates you don’t need me, on the contrary I want you to make me discover them, I don’t know everything by heart yet ! Long live the ASMR and sorry for my english ahah ! Laurie
Do one about video games! I think Wanda mentioned she likes playing some of them 🙂
Keep it up anyway, love your voices! x
One idea I had for a topic you guys can discuss would be the different restaurants/ meals you’ve had during your travels. It sounds like you probably have traveled enough to make a whole Podcast on food.
Ideas for podcasts
Favourite jobs
Artificial intelligence
Sports you’ve played
At about 7:36 the audio gets really choppy. Seems like maybe a bandwidth or rendering issue
I have an idea, you can go through the Internet and find your favourite conspiracy theories or urban legends I would be really into that and it would make for a longer podcast aswell❤️
Discuss about vegetarian foods
I have been practicing ASMR for 2 years personally and it has helped me a lot with my sleep problems. My children can’t get used to it, but I persevere, I’m sure they’ll end up loving it too! I also like the very “social” side of this practice, we discover new artists and we make new friends via forums and social networks, it’s cool! for beginners I advise you the one that we no longer present , it’s perfect, almost all the biggest ASMR are referenced and there are new ones every day. for initiates you don’t need me, on the contrary I want you to make me discover them, I don’t know everything by heart yet ! Long live the ASMR and sorry for my english ahah ! Laurie